Lauren McClintock-Leslie

Lauren is a clinician and mental health therapist residing in Columbia, South Carolina. She received her B.A. in Experimental Psychology and Master’s Degree in Social Work from the University of South Carolina. She acquired a certificate of specialization in Psychiatric Rehabilitation from USC’s School of Medicine, working with those diagnosed with, and family members affected by, severe and persistent mental illness.

Lauren utilizes a highly individualized Client-Centered therapeutic approach with a foundation in Attachment Theory. Rather than focus on pathology, her practice emphasizes the “human condition”, dignity, and worth of the person. She believes the most important part of the therapeutic process  is creating a genuine connection with the client right from the beginning. As a practitioner, she believes this crucial step provides the firm foundation for the framework that is to be built during the therapeutic process.

Whether this is your first time seeking therapy, or you are in the process of seeking the right fit with a clinician, Lauren is ready to partner with you in your journey to find and be the best you.